Free sewing pattern gift bag
How about sewing your own gift bags?
It's quick and easy to sew pretty gift bags from fabric. They look pretty, are versatile, practical and can be used several times.
We show you how to sew them in our free tutorial. You don't need a lot of sewing experience, this sewing project is perfect for your first steps on the sewing machine.
What do you need?
Your sewing machine, a little time, an iron and:
Woven fabric, matching thread and a piece of ribbon or cord for fastening
We have linked the appropriate product suggestions and the free sewing instructions for you below.
Material requirements:
Depending on the size of the finished bag:
1 piece of fabric:
Width: 2x the desired finished width + approx. 2cm seam allowance
Height: 1x the desired finished height/length + approx. 5cm seam allowance
Cord/ribbon at least 40cm long
Matching yarn
Labels, iron-on pictures, patches